Friday, September 13, 2013

Raspberry Chocolate Souffle

I have to confess, my hubby is way better than me at baking.  I don't have the discipline to use the recommended amount of sugar or butter (thought process - 2 cups of sugar??? I think NOT).  I also find the idea of using a measuring cup uninspiring (I guess this means I will never be a pastry chef).  On Friday we worked together to create this flourless raspberry bittersweet chocolate souffle, without following any recipe.  It turned out beautifully.  The smell was irresistible, and the souffle was decadent - sweet, bitter, fruity, rich all in one bite.  Given we only used one tablespoon of sugar and butter, I think this will become a regular late night treat.

Step1: Heat up one block of bittersweet chocolate and 1 tablespoon of melted butter or margarine in low heat.  Meanwhile, butter-up the inside of the serving dish.  Cool off the dish in the fridge.
Step2: Turn off the stove.  Mix in one tablespoon of cocoa powder, one tablespoon of sugar, and one whipped egg.
Step3: Blend or crush the raspberries using a fork
Step4: Pour the mixing in the serving dish. Blend in the crushed/blended raspberries.
Step5: Bake for 20 min @ 350F

I was playing around with the settings, and I just love how this picture turned out. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

All about Beige - Geometric dress and metallic shoes

This is one of my fav dresses, because it is versatile and effortless.  The geometric shapes made it interesting, and the pleated detailing is just lovely!  What can I say I love pleated dresses, check out my other posts on this & have a great weekend! :)

Shoes - Guess (old, similar here )
Dress - TLH by Hype(sold out)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Summer Destination - A trip to Banff, Canada


It was surreal to wake up to this view from our hotel room.  The tranquility of Lake Louise and glacier in the distance was mesmerizing.  I don't think I have ever felt as relaxed and peaceful!



To be honest, Banff wasn't even on my bucket list a few months ago.  Kauai was usually where we visit in the summer.  I am so glad we booked this trip to unwind after our 3000 miles road trip from Phoenix to Calgary, where we now call home.  I am so blown away by Alberta, which seems to be an under rated province.  Oh and we were able to travel with our four-legged furry sons this time, since it is only 2 hours away from Calgary.  I can't wait to return in Winter to go skiing/snowboarding!