Friday, September 13, 2013

Raspberry Chocolate Souffle

I have to confess, my hubby is way better than me at baking.  I don't have the discipline to use the recommended amount of sugar or butter (thought process - 2 cups of sugar??? I think NOT).  I also find the idea of using a measuring cup uninspiring (I guess this means I will never be a pastry chef).  On Friday we worked together to create this flourless raspberry bittersweet chocolate souffle, without following any recipe.  It turned out beautifully.  The smell was irresistible, and the souffle was decadent - sweet, bitter, fruity, rich all in one bite.  Given we only used one tablespoon of sugar and butter, I think this will become a regular late night treat.

Step1: Heat up one block of bittersweet chocolate and 1 tablespoon of melted butter or margarine in low heat.  Meanwhile, butter-up the inside of the serving dish.  Cool off the dish in the fridge.
Step2: Turn off the stove.  Mix in one tablespoon of cocoa powder, one tablespoon of sugar, and one whipped egg.
Step3: Blend or crush the raspberries using a fork
Step4: Pour the mixing in the serving dish. Blend in the crushed/blended raspberries.
Step5: Bake for 20 min @ 350F

I was playing around with the settings, and I just love how this picture turned out. 

1 comment:

  1. That looks awesome! I'm drooling all over my keyboard here! Love the last pic! So artistic!
